Services & Products Disclaimer

  • Hypnosis is an educational and self improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist with solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change.

    Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Brooke Greenwald does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric, or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition.

    Medical support hypnosis is used only as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnosis services are provided.

  • There are risks involved in Pilates and/ or Hypno Pilates training. These health risks include but are not limited to the following: dizziness, lightheaded, fainting, nausea, muscle cramping, musculoskeletal injury, joint pains, sprains and strains, heart attack, stroke, or sudden death.

    Brooke Hypnosis LLC is not a licensed medical care provider and has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. If a participant has any injuries or other health concerns; s/he should participate in Pilates and/ or Hypno Pilates training only after discussing with a doctor and gaining their approval.